With respects to a Spring Meeting of the membership I have received conflicting information (e.g., some “for” a meeting and some “against” a meeting).   Accordingly, I am reaching out with an “email blast” to the membership and other program participants to get a sense of their commitment to a Spring Meeting.

These actions are not being taken without cause or justification given the status of the pandemic sweeping the world.  It is clear that current events have repercussions across the spectrum of our personal lives as well as our business entities.  It continues to affect our daily existence (e.g. avoid gatherings of 10+ persons) as well as potentially impacting our seasonal businesses.  Thus, in order to strike a balance between channels of communication (i.e. YES, to a spring meeting?) and personal health safety (i.e. NO, to a spring meeting) we are reaching out to the membership in hopes of arriving at a consensus position that will direct us to make the correct decision.

*****So, please respond to this request for information by March 25,2020 and let us know your position regarding a Spring Membership Meeting.  Please e-mail Yes or No to office@kdca.ca*****

Harald Lohn
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