
14 05, 2023

Spring Meeting Recap

By |2023-05-14T15:49:26+00:00May 14th, 2023|

We want to reach out and thank everyone who made the spring meeting,  BBQ dinner and dance a great success.  It was a great start in getting things back to what they used to be! KDCA welcomes Scott Ellery to the Board. Thanks go out to all the presenters and members who attended.  We hope to see more faces out next year. The event could not have gone on successfully without the generous support of our [...]

5 04, 2023

KDCA Spring Meeting Agenda

By |2023-04-05T21:33:32+00:00April 5th, 2023|

SPRING MEETING - MAY 5, 2023 - Waldhof Hall 9:00 – 10:00 am COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:00  CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  President Ryan Runge/Past President Harald Lohn 10:15  CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONAL TO AGENDA  10:20  MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING  10:30  TREASURER’S REPORT - Steve Hartle 10:40  MNRF  – Brian Kilgour 11:00  SUNSET COUNTRY – Gerry Cariou  11:15  NOTO – Laurie Marcil  11:40  NWMO – Rachelle Davenport  LUNCH 12:00 – 12:45 12:45  MINISTRY OF NORTHERN [...]

20 03, 2023

KDCA Spring Newsletter 2023

By |2023-03-20T18:18:29+00:00March 20th, 2023|

KDCA is starting to plan the annual spring meeting and we are hoping to see you all there! Meeting date will be May 5th, 2023, at the Waldof Hall. We plan on having a meeting with the same groups presenting as we normally do, and lunch will be provided. This year, to make it seem even more like normal,  we are planning to have the evening steak dinner as was [...]

19 04, 2022

KDCA Dinner Cancelled

By |2022-04-19T19:38:20+00:00April 19th, 2022|

Please be advised that the KDCA Dinner scheduled to be held after the May 6th meeting has been cancelled.  Several factors led to the Directors’ difficult decision to postpone and it is our hope that the festivities will resume in a normal fashion next year.  We thank those who RSVP’d for this year and hope to see them out at the meeting.  The spring meeting is still taking place and [...]

30 03, 2022

KDCA Spring Meting Agenda

By |2022-04-14T18:43:03+00:00March 30th, 2022|

Here is  the agenda for the Spring Meeting. 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. COFFEE & CONVERSATION 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER:  President Ryan Runge/Past President Harald Lohn 10:15 a.m. CORRECTIONS/ADDITIONS TO AGENDA 10: 20 a.m. MINUTES OF PRIOR MEETING 10:30 a.m. TREASURER’S REPORT - Steve Hartle, Treasurer 10:40 a.m. MNRF (SPOKESPERSON TO BE DETERMINED) 11:00 a.m. SUNSET COUNTRY – Gerry Cariou 11:15 a.m. NOTO – Laurie Marcil 11:40 a.m. NWMO [...]

13 11, 2021

Important Information on Class Action Lawsuit

By |2021-11-13T17:21:32+00:00November 13th, 2021|

KDCA  is encouraging members to check into this class action law suit against the insurance companies. This Tort action will probably be a lengthy legal action, if it comes to fruition, the same as the action against big tobacco. Uma is a contact name at the firm. Koskie Minsky and the Merchant Law Group have commenced a proposed national class proceeding alleging that Canadian insurance companies have breached their contracts [...]

18 10, 2021

TIAO Tourism Awards

By |2021-10-18T15:24:22+00:00October 18th, 2021|

The TIAO Awards have been announced. Laurie Marcil is the recipient of the Tourism Champion of The Year.  A  tie for the award is being shared with Mark Bingeman from Bingeman's Grand Experiences in Kitchener. NOTO and DNO are also finalists for their collaborative work on the protocols and the border working group. This is incredible news and everyone should be proud of all the work that was done. It [...]

27 07, 2021

Border Crossing Info

By |2021-07-27T13:58:29+00:00July 27th, 2021|

Changes are still occurring with border crossing conditions. Several social media posts are giving misleading information. Some of the information regarding details on the August 6 requirements are changing almost daily, so please check back to the website for changes and details involving what kind of vaccines, what kind of PCR, information about minor children etc, as these issues may change prior to the August 6 date.

22 07, 2021

Border Crossing with Bait

By |2021-07-22T12:56:26+00:00July 22nd, 2021|

Here is recent information received from the CBSA: As you are aware we are working towards a partially opened land border for vaccinated US citizens and permanent residents residing in the United States. (pending all other requirements) We have had some rule changes with other Government departments which may affect area tourist camps and their guests. These changes centre around bait importations. We received direction and made a plan to [...]

2 07, 2021

NOTO Press Conference

By |2021-07-02T16:59:54+00:00July 2nd, 2021|

Here is the NOTO Press Conference regarding the Impacts of the Canada-Us Border Closure on Operators Across Northern Ontario which took place June 29th. Listen in as operators from across Northern Ontario share their stories on how the border closure is negatively impacting their businesses.

6 08, 2020

Big Thanks to NOTO

By |2020-08-06T00:48:28+00:00August 6th, 2020|

Below is a copy of  an email received by President Harald Lohn: Thanks Harald:   Thanks to KDCA for the generous donation earlier this year. It sure helped us to have the resources to continue our lobbying efforts. This one saved the affected tourism operators over $1.2 million dollars in LUP and BMA fees alone. We are pleased that we were able to accomplish this for our industry.   We [...]

12 07, 2020

July 6 Town Hall Meeting Update

By |2020-07-12T01:21:43+00:00July 12th, 2020|

Here is the breakdown of the $$$ announced…..hopefully something more positive on the 13!!!!   Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism, and Culture Industries Tele-Townhall Meeting: “Northern Ontario Tourism” – July 06, 2020 July 06, 2020 – Hon. Lisa MacLeod hosted her seventh Tele Town Hall meeting. This instalment was focused on Northern Ontario Tourism, and she was joined with Hon. Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, and [...]

10 06, 2020

Work Permit Information

By |2020-06-10T12:36:42+00:00June 10th, 2020|

The following will explain a few things about how we will manage the opening of businesses in Ontario  (specifically lodges, camps and cabin rentals) which was announced effective today. As you may have heard, the province of Ontario has allowed lodges, camps and cabin rentals to start reopening subject to safe protocols and restrictions. This only applies to Canadian guests as the border restrictions continue until June 21, 2020. Foreign Nationals who own a Canadian lodge/camp will be allowed to apply for a LMIA exempt work permit at the Ports of Entry, so long as their business qualifies to open and their intent is to operate for the summer of 2020. Once a work permit is issued, the Foreign National would be allowed to enter as an authorized worker, but will need to be able to self-isolate for 14 days at a designated address subject to public health quarantine rules. (Information will be provided when you arrive at the border) To facilitate a large influx of people seeking work permits we would like to have you contact the Port of Entry where you normally cross and they will direct you as to any changes in the process. In Fort Frances, where we issue the majority of camp owner work permits, we will be implementing a pre-screening process and be issuing the permits by appointment to handle the volume. I hope that by mutual respect and cooperation we can meet the needs of this large group of foreign workers and keep our backlogs to a minimum. We are also working to ensure the health and safety or our Officers and all of our clients in this challenging time. As a group of business owners you have been patient with the inability to attend to your place of business and I would ask for your patience over the weekend as we ready our processes to prepare for your arrival. We will be in a better position to accept your work permit applications next week and will start the scheduling of appointments after we review the information that you will be asked to provide. Thanks for your anticipated cooperation. Telephone number for our Ports of Entry are as follows: Rainy River POE - 807-852-3341 Fort Frances POE - 807-274-3655 Pigeon River POE - 807-964-3000 Sault Ste Marie POE - 705-941-3063 _Kevin Begin_ Superintendent/Surintendant Canada Border Services Agency/Agence des services frontaliers du Canada Northern Ontario Region/Région du Nord de l'Ontario Fort Frances Port of Entry/Point d'Entrée Fort Frances 101 Church Street/101 rue Church Fort Frances, Ontario P9A 3X8 (807) -274-5426 cell (807) 275-6068 fax (807) 274-8416

28 05, 2020

Border Closure Extended

By |2020-05-28T13:11:32+00:00May 28th, 2020|

Canada and the U.S. have reached another agreement to extend their border closure for another 30 days, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced, suggesting it is the ‘right thing’ to do. The border was first closed some two months ago to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The extension to the border closure that was announced a month ago was set to expire on May 20. However, now [...]

28 05, 2020


By |2020-05-28T13:08:05+00:00May 28th, 2020|

To our valued partners across Northern Ontario, Across our region, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on small businesses and those who rely on them. Recognizing they are the backbone of our economy, the Government of Canada has implemented a series of concrete and tangible measures to help them retain their employees, pay rent and get capital to pay bills. Central among these initiatives is the new Regional [...]

28 05, 2020

PACE’s Stream for COVID-19 RRRF

By |2020-05-28T13:06:06+00:00May 28th, 2020|

Interested businesses can contact PACE's Business Development Coordinator, Noreen Cox at Please be aware that while FedNor's program application is available, PACE's funding stream will not be available until the funding agreements are finalized. To be eligible for PACE's stream, businesses will need to have been established and viable prior to March 1, 2020. They will need to demonstrate that they have been impacted by COVID-19. Businesses will need to have fewer than 500 employees, annual sales revenue of less than $20 million, and provide goods and services for the market economy. Businesses will also need to have attempted to access other COVID-19 relief measures like CEBA, AFI, etc. The RRRF loans offered will include the following terms: * 0% interest until December 31, 2022. * No principal payments until December 31, 2022. * Principal repayments can be voluntarily made at any time. * 25% up to a maximum of $10,000 in loan forgiveness is available, provided the outstanding balance is paid back by December 31, 2022. * If any part of the balance is not paid by December 31, 2022, the remaining balance will be converted to a term loan at up to 5% annual interest. Effective January 1, 2023. * The full balance must be repaid no later than December 31, 2025. * No security will be required.        

5 05, 2020

Border Closure information

By |2020-05-05T00:29:23+00:00May 5th, 2020|

Important info received from CBSA: The border remains closed for non-essential travel until May 22, as you may have heard. This is assuming we don't get a big flare up in cases between now and then. If the border opens for tourism on May 22, we will be ill prepared to handle the volume of camp owners seeking work permits all at once. My idea would be to do them by [...]

26 04, 2020

Special Announcement from TIAO

By |2020-04-26T14:09:31+00:00April 26th, 2020|

TIAO'S MEMBER OF THE MONTH IS: THE TOURISM INDUSTRY We have heard you, we have advocated for you, and now we are pleased to offer one more way to ease your bottom line, increase your engagement, and provide an even more inclusive message as we represent your voice to the provincial government. "Ontario's tourism industry is being tried in ways we have never seen before as a result of COVID-19, [...]

15 04, 2020

EDCO, OBIAA & TIAO Joint Letter to Government

By |2020-04-15T00:42:53+00:00April 15th, 2020|

EDCO, OBIAA and TIAO joint letter to provincial and federal government ministers This afternoon, in partnership with the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) and the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO), we have sent a joint letter to senior provincial and federal ministers. The letter includes three practical steps that government can take to counter the current unparalleled threats to businesses and jobs. You can read the full letter here. Thank you. The TIAO team.  

10 04, 2020

Help for local businesses

By |2020-04-10T13:48:51+00:00April 10th, 2020|

Please see the message below from Dan McCann, Station Manager for Q104/DrydenNow.  They are working on an exciting new service to help our local businesses continue online while we’re facing Covid-19. They’ve provided an outline as to how it would work.  If you’d like more information contact Q104 today! e-Commerce Website enables local residents who are unable to travel to local stores, to still purchase essential items. connects [...]

10 04, 2020

Assistance for Businesses

By |2020-04-12T12:44:08+00:00April 10th, 2020|

Is your business impacted by COVID-19? Are you experiencing cash flow issues? PACE is funded through the Government of Canada and can offer small business loans and business counselling. Email Noreen at COVID-19 is impacting many businesses, PACE can offer low interest rates and you do not need to pay principal or interest for the first 60 days and may only need to pay insurance on your loan while [...]

27 03, 2020

Beds Wanted

By |2020-03-27T00:33:42+00:00March 27th, 2020|

Are you interested in helping out? The following was received from Greg Waites.  If you are interested please email and we will pass along the information. Thanks I was speaking with someone at the Dryden hospital that was involved in a community response group meeting. They are in a planning phase and getting ready for IF this pandemic situation is to get worse.  They are looking at different options as to what [...]

25 03, 2020

KDCA Spring Meeting – Postponed

By |2020-03-25T00:16:03+00:00March 25th, 2020|

Please be advise the KDCA Spring Meeting, as scheduled for May 1,2020 is put on "hold" until such time as all Canada wide advisories are further elaborated upon by the offices of the Prime Minister of Canada and the Premier of Ontario.  This  step is being taken to insure those of us in the tourism industry continue to do our part to see the worldwide pandemic of the corona virus does not become a further threat to ourselves, our customers, our business entities, our local communities and our way of life. It is hoped within a period of two weeks these matters will be clarified and thus enable us to make an informed decision with respects to the status of the Spring Meeting.  In the meantime I would encourage each of you to be vigilant and keep abreast of the fast changing events as well as taking the necessary actions to insure your safety and well-being. Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me ( [1]), the KDCA office (Ruth McMillan - visit the KDCA website ( I would like to THANK each of you for your indulgence and understanding. Sincerely, Harald Lohn, President KDCAPlease support our efforts and become a member today!

18 03, 2020

KDCA Spring Meeting – Yes or No – Please reply

By |2020-03-18T00:51:31+00:00March 18th, 2020|

With respects to a Spring Meeting of the membership I have received conflicting information (e.g., some “for” a meeting and some “against” a meeting).   Accordingly, I am reaching out with an “email blast” to the membership and other program participants to get a sense of their commitment to a Spring Meeting. These actions are not being taken without cause or justification given the status of the pandemic sweeping the world. [...]

18 03, 2020

KDCA Spring Dinner and Dance Cancelled

By |2020-03-18T00:52:54+00:00March 18th, 2020|

*****As President of KDCA and acting in that capacity, I am notifying the KDCA membership, Allied Members and the communities at-large there will NOT be a May 1, 2020 Spring Dinner/Dance sponsored by KDCA.***** Stay tuned for an update on the Spring Meeting. Sincerely, Harald Lohn President Please support our efforts and become a member today!

11 09, 2019

Draft Agenda – KDCA Fall Meeting

By |2019-09-11T22:29:22+00:00September 11th, 2019|

Here is the Draft Agenda for the KDCA Fall Meeting.  Please look over the agenda and offer suggestions for additional items, elimination of times or general commentary.  Please sent to                                     DRAFT AGENDA  Coffee & Conversation:  9:00 – 9:30 a.m. Call to Order: 9:30 a.m. – Harald Lohn, President KDCA Corrections/Additions to [...]

5 05, 2019

Thank you to our sponsors

By |2019-05-05T22:36:38+00:00May 5th, 2019|

KENORA DISTRICT CAMP OWNERS ASSOCIATION Annual Spring Meeting, Dinner and Dance was held May 3, 2019. Thank you to all our sponsors! All Canada Sports Show B. Taylor Home Hardware Best Western Plus Dryden Bluewave Energy Canadian Tire Dingwall Ford Domtar Downtown Dollar Dryden GM Ella Lynn's Extra Foods Gates Taxidermy Gillons Insurance Gould's Brandsource Investors Group Kano Reid Kenora GM KK Penner Tire Centre K-Sports Marine & Yamaha Latitude [...]

22 04, 2019

Final Agenda for KDCA Spring Meeting

By |2019-04-22T02:20:39+00:00April 22nd, 2019|

KENORA DISTRICT CAMP OWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SPRING MEETING, MAY 3, 2019 WALDHOF HALL AGENDA Call to Order: 9:30 a.m. Introductions: Corrections/Additions to Meeting Agenda Minutes of the Fall Meeting Treasurer’s Report - Steve Hartle Roundtable Discussion – Tourism: A View from Above! Honorable Bob Nault Canadian Border Services Agency MNRF District Manager(s) LUNCH (Provided by Consumer Frosted Foods) Roundtable Discussion – Tourism:  A View from Ground Zero! MTCS – Jim [...]

6 04, 2019

KDCA Spring Dinner and Dance

By |2019-04-22T02:25:19+00:00April 6th, 2019|

KDCA DINNER AND DANCE - MAY 3, 2019  AT WALDHOF HALL EVENING BEGINS AT 5:30 P.M.  - Meet & Greet, Steak Dinner and Dance RESERVATIONS:  Call Mal Tygesson (807) 755-2434 or  Shannon Doudiet (807) 223-3676 or Tom Ledoux (807) 223-3381 or  

5 04, 2019

Tentative Agenda for KDCA Spring Meeting

By |2019-04-06T12:57:28+00:00April 5th, 2019|

KENORA DISTRICT CAMP OWNERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL SPRING MEETING, MAY 3, 2019 WALDHOF HALL AGENDA (Tentative) Call to Order: 9:30 a.m. Introductions: Corrections/Additions to Meeting Agenda Minutes of the Fall Meeting Treasurer’s Report Roundtable Discussion – Tourism: A View from Above! Honorable Bob Nault Honorable Greg Rickford (Tentative) Canadian Border Services Agency MNRF Regional Director MNRF District Manager(s) LUNCH (Provided by Evergreen Lodge) Roundtable Discussion – Tourism:  A View from Ground [...]

4 03, 2019

Update from Kenora District Camp Owners Association

By |2019-03-04T14:45:13+00:00March 4th, 2019|

Update from Kenora District Camp Owners Association Jacqui Haukeness and Greg Waites attended the Provincial Hunting – Fishing – Trapping roundtable meetings in Kenora. They presented many of the concerns that the members of KDCA have to the panel. KDCA submitted a written submission to Ontario’s Prebudget Consultations, explained how Resource Based Tourism puts new tax dollars into the communities of NW Ontario and creates jobs in the local economies. [...]

17 01, 2019

A Critical Analysis of Ontario’s Resource-Based Tourism Policy

By |2019-01-29T16:49:09+00:00January 17th, 2019|

An interesting article by Nathan Bennett from the University of Victoria  and Raynald H. Lemelin from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay.about resource based tourism. Read more here:

12 11, 2018

KDCA Donates to Farabout

By |2018-11-12T16:36:07+00:00November 12th, 2018|

The KDCA passed a resolution at the Fall Meeting to make a $5,000.00 donation to the Farabout Peninsula Coalition to help further study, preserve and raise awareness of the need to protect this unique portion of Eagle Lake. The Farabout Peninsula Coalition representing a large number of stakeholders; Eagle Lake FirstNation, Residents, Tourism Businesses, Commercial Fishery and Recreational Users, has worked diligently for over 10 years to permanently remove the Farabout [...]

4 09, 2018

KDCA 2018 Fall Meeting

By |2018-09-22T18:31:58+00:00September 4th, 2018|

DATE:  October 3, 2018 (1st Wednesday in October) PLACE:  Evergreen Lodge on Eagle Lake (Mal Tygesson - Host)  TIME:  9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. AGENDA: 9:00 - Coffee & Conversation until 9:30 9:30 - Planning "Hour" for the Spring 2019 Annual KDCA Meeting 1. Agenda for spring meeting (May 3, 2019) - open discussion 2. Update on Spring "DO" - Shannon Doudiet 11:00 - Progress Report on Signs - Steve [...]

27 08, 2018

New Executive Elected at Spring 2018 Meeting

By |2018-08-27T21:23:28+00:00August 27th, 2018|

At the KDCA Spring 2018 meeting, a motion was passed to change the Annual Meeting to the Spring Meeting, allowing elections to take place when the turnout is greatest. Here are the new Executive Members: President:  Harald Lohn, Kabeelo Lodge Vice-President:  Erik Lohn, Kabeelo Lodge Treasurer:  Steve Hartle, Big Hook Wilderness Camps Directors:  Jacqui Haukeness, Rugby Lake Lodge; John Fahlgren, Sydney Lake Lodge; Gord Bastable, Vermilion Bay Lodge; Mal Tygesson, [...]

12 04, 2017

KDCA Membership Campaign Now Under Way!

By |2017-04-12T15:30:40+00:00April 12th, 2017|

Advocating for Tourism in Northwestern Ontario In 2017, KDCA has set out an ambitious agenda to help Tourism and the local economy. This year KDCA will be lobbying issues such as bear management, bait fish regulation, LUP restrictions, carbon tax expenses, septic systems, moose tag reductions, deer herd management, and “Tourism Matters” marketing. Just to name a few issues facing our Tourism Industry. In 2016 KDCA spent a large sum [...]

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